Unit of Practice

Delesa Bosworth

Fourth Grade Weather Prediction Unit



Abstract:  Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to do basic weather predicting as meets the content standards for fourth grade Earth/Space Science Standards.  They will make use of weather instruments such as a thermometer, barometer, and online weather maps. It is a web-based unit.  Students are expected to possess skills necessary for Internet navigation. 


Invitation:  How do weather forecasters predict the weather?  What will our weather be tomorrow?  Given a basic set of conditions, students will make a logical prediction from that information.



Situations:  This unit will require two weeks to complete.  Most of the sessions require access to the Internet for the students.   Students will also spend time building weather prediction equipment and taking measurements from these tools during the two-week period.  They will work with partners throughout the project except for the final assessment, which is also conducted on-line.  The basic course information can be found at my website listed below. 


Tasks:  Students will log onto the web-unit and read the instructions to get them started.  They will use the tools posted there to gather background information about 3 basic weather prediction tools (thermometer, barometer, and hygrometer), discover different forms of cloud formations and the types of weather that each usually brings, and research about air pressure and weather fronts.  Students will be guided through online discussions and email assignments to the instructor.  A project is also posted for students to work on with their partner to build a thermometer and a barometer on the second day.  These instruments will be used throughout the two-week period to monitor the changes in air temperature and pressure.  Students will record their data on a graph.  Students will also visit on-line maps and weather sites to document the changes in our local weather and the causes behind those changes. 


Interactions:  The students will be assigned either partners or small groups to work in for this unit.  They will work through the instructional activities independent from direct teacher instruction.  The teacher will facilitate the learning situation by guiding the research and providing feedback on the projects.


Assessment:  The students will be given a rubric at the beginning of the unit to guide them through the entire unit.  (It is posted on my web site, if you wish to access it.)  Students are expected to follow the rubric and complete each aspect before the end of the allotted two-week period.  It includes keeping a daily notebook with commentary on our local weather and what is causing the weather, keeping and graphing our daily temperature and atmospheric pressure, a research project, discussion board postings, and a final on-line assessment.  Students will also be graded by the teacher using a participation rubric also posted to my web-site.


Tools:  The tools the students will need for this unit include a great deal of access to the Internet, materials for building the weather prediction tools, a spiral notebook for logging the daily weather, graphs for keeping track of temperature and pressure changes.

Tools to make a barometer: small coffee can, plastic wrap, scissors, straw, index card, and rubber band.  Tools to make a thermometer:  water, rubbing alcohol, clear narrow-necked plastic bottle, food coloring, clear plastic drinking straw, and modeling clay.



Project:  Students will be referencing weather maps daily.  These could be found in a local paper if the classroom does not have access to Internet to gather this up to the minute information.


URL:  I will list my web site to give out the rubric and one of the graphs we will be using.  I will also list where my class can be found on Blackboard.com.


Standards:  This unit will meet reading, science, math, and writing content standards.




#3  write in response to information from various sources to develop personal understanding.

#5  organize and write about information according to category, source, or topic.

#6  write to explain ideas presented or discussed in various content areas.


#3 describe how weather conditions and phenomena occur and can be predicted.


#6 explain the use of weather instruments in predicting and recording weather.

#7 identify the positive and negative impact of weather on the environment.


#10  use multiple methods to solve real-world problems involving equations and inequalities. (example: physical models and graphs)


#10  use scales of length, temperature, volume, and weight for problem solving.